新客戶限時優惠:7.76HKD = 1 USDT,立即交易!Limited Offer for New Customers: 7.76HKD = 1 USDT
新客戶限時優惠:7.76HKD = 1 USDT,立即交易!Limited Offer for New Customers: 7.76HKD = 1 USDT

How to sell RMB to USDT?

USDT Pro > Crypto 101 > How to sell RMB to USDT?

Tether (USDT) is a type of digital asset that its value pegged to the US Dollar. With a high trading volume each year, it is still one of the leaders in the stablecoin stakes. USDT has its own growth potential in value as a stablecoin comparing to actual currencies, CNY (RMB/Renminbi), for instance. Hence, it is getting more popular that crypto investors and traders sell RMB to USDT. You can easily buy and sell at a great exchange rate, and put your investments in different baskets at the same time. There are a few ways to trade USDT with CNY in Hong Kong safely and conveniently.

Over-the-counter (OTC) – Trade USDT without supervisions of an exchange

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Over-the-counter (OTC) markets are primarily for trading currencies, bonds, derivatives, and structured products between two parties without supervision or a central exchange. Tradings can conduct all their tradings electronically and through the network, which is under fewer regulations but still fully following the legal terms. Thus, letting nearly everyone to enter and quit the market smoothly and conveniently. And, to sell RMB to USDT easily!

OTC market is particularly desirable for traders who would like to deal with a large amount of money at a great negotiated price. For example, if one wishes to buy USDT with 50 thousand CNY, you could obtain a better rate by contacting your personal trader at the OTC platform!

USDT Pro – Exchanging Renminbi with USDT seamlessly

USDT Pro is a professional USDT OTC specialist, which allows you to sell RMB to USDT using their OTC market. They provide easy and instant transactions, letting traders settle their OTC trades in less than 15 minutes. The platform supports multiple payment options, including FPS, Alipay HK, and local banks transfer. Most importantly, traders can make sure their transactions finish before there is a big drop in the market. Thus, avoid decreasing the price of their assets!

Website: http://usdtpro.asia

Peer-to-peer (P2P) trading – Sell RMB to USDT directly to individuals

Photo Credit: Pinterest

Peer-to-peer (P2P) trading facilitates digital asset trades and the sharing of information directly between two parties without the involvement of a financial institution. Traders can easily make transactions through the internet. Tradings could be done on any mobile devices, including tablets and phones. Individuals are agreed on their own terms. There is no other third party who knows any detail but you. This increases your privacy during the transaction. Although P2P tradings are subject to fewer regulations, users do not have to provide as much personal data as other centralized exchanges.


Binance is one of the reliable and secured P2P platforms that brings together traders from all around the world. It offers great deals for traders since no transaction fee will be charged on certain tradings. They also provide the most trusted and secure crypto wallet, allowing you to sell RMB to USDT with ease.

Website: https://binance.com

There is always a risk with all types of investment. It is better for investors to get familiar with the digital assets environment and the selected trading platform before you trade!

We, USDT Pro offer easy and instant settlements for you to sell RMB to USDT. And! Probably at the best USDT rate in Hong Kong. Trade Now!

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